期刊論文/Journal Papers

1 Assessing Intimate Relationships of Chinese Couples in Taiwan Using the Marital Satisfaction Inventory–Revised,ASSESSMENT羅幼瓊(Yu-Chiung Lou)、林建亨、陳建民(Chien-min Chen)、Balderrama-Durbin, C.、Douglas K. Snyder(Douglas K. Snyder)*SSCI2016
2 Developing spatial orientation and spatial memory with a treasure hunting game.,EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY林建亨(Chien-Heng Lin)、陳建民(Chien-min Chen)、羅幼瓊(Yu-Chiung Lou)SSCI2014
3 大學生課業任務價值量表編製之研究,高雄師大學報羅幼瓊(Yu-Chiung Lou)、林曉芳、林清文Other2013
4 寄養家庭親子互動與支持系統之研究-寄養父親的觀點,聯合勸募論壇楊倫潔、羅幼瓊(Yu-Chiung Lou)Other2013
5 A Framework of Multimedia Integration Based on Teacher’s Perspectives,British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science林建亨(Chien-Heng Lin)、羅幼瓊(Yu-Chiung Lou)Other2013
6 Confirmatory factor analysis and construct validity of the achievement task value scale for university students.,JOURNAL OF PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL ASSESSMENT羅幼瓊(Yu-Chiung Lou)、林曉芳(Hsiao-Feng Lin)*、林清文(Lin, Chin-Wen)SSCI2012
7 Estimate of global research trends and performance in family therapy in social science citation index.,SCIENTOMETRICS羅幼瓊(Yu-Chiung Lou)、林曉芳(Lin, H. F.)*SSCI2012
8 以提升課業任務價值為導向之課業學習諮商之當事人任務分析---以高中學生學習英文科為例,中華輔導學報/Chinese Annual Report of Guidance and Counseling羅幼瓊(Yu-Chiung Lou)*、林清文(Chin-Wen Lin)TSSCI2009